Satellite Control System

The new satellite head gate control system was installed and tested at Tin Cup Lake in October 2011. The control system is enclosed in a concrete vault. The vault also contains an emergency satellite telephone.  Mounted on the vault is a mast that supports a 40-watt solar collector for charging the battery, a rain gauge, a temperature sensor and the satellite receiver/transmitter.  The control system consists of battery-powered hydraulic equipment that is used to raise and lower the head gate via a hydraulic cylinder in response to a signal delivered via the satellite receiver/transmitter.

Data Collection

Sensors measure the lake water level, air temperature, rain fall, wind speed, water pressure (from which the flow rate is calculated) in the Parshall Flume located just downstream the head gate. Additionally, there is an emergency high lake water level alarm.  The data from the sensors are transmitted via satellite back to a computer located at the control systems manufacturer’s facility and can be accessed by the District via a secure internet connection using a Tin Cup Water District computer in the Darby area.  Via this same computer, the head gate can also be opened or closed to achieve a desired setting (such as 10.00 inches).  This allows for precise control of the lake outlet flow rate.


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